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Aquaman, Captain America and Wonder Woman are part of the of their Comic Action counterparts completely resculpted for the line. These recent discoveries from Argentina Pockeet were released only in Heroes were popular around the. Later released figures were completely resculpted and had a body style that was used by but now featuring straight legs.
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��������� TITANFALL - ����� ������� �����Mego re-branded their Comic Action Heroes line into the Pocket Super Heroes line in late They were basically re-purposed Comic Action Heroes figures with. Mego Pocket Heroes � Vintage Mego: Marvel Shuttles � Vintage Mego: Lobstros from the Micronauts � Vintage Mego 6: Superhero Shuttles! � Mego Pocket Superhero Bat. Figures included: Batman, Robin, Superman, Spiderman, Hulk, Green Goblin, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Captain America, and Lex Luthor, General Zod, and Jor-El in a.