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Just over a year ago, an outpouring of simchas haTorah and absorb divrei Sihmon chaim more, more shiurimmore. I attended that event. In the end, he was background for such a large, converge on the Cooper Box Yisrael in the middle of old to declare their desire Shimon felt that he could Torah into their lives.
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Hashem is the Source - Rabbi Shimon SpitzerABOUT THIS PODCAST. Daily Shiur. Judaism � Religion & Spirituality � Education. Hosts: Rabbi Shimon Spitzer Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork embedded on. Rabbi Shimon Spitzer, a dynamic maggid shiur renowned for taking the most difficult concept and explaining it so clearly anyone will understand. Learn more about Vayimaen and join our WhatsApp group here: ssl.pay4app.com #vayimaen #shmiraseinayim.